Thursday, December 18, 2008

Winter Fun

We have had an unusual week of snowy weather. But along with the snow has come almost zero temps and ice covered streets. This has caused the kids to start their Christmas break early. But because of the temps and the freezing winds we haven't been able to go outside much. Yesterday it started snow again. It was the perfect snow for snowmen and snowballs so we all bundled up and went out to play.

Hannah and Johnathan begin rolling their snowman!

The finished product. They couldn't find things to make a snowman's face so we used food coloring to make the nose, mouth, buttons and hair.
Jim showing how easy it is to kick a snowball!
What is missing here is, Hannah had just dumped a huge pile of snow on Johnathan. See her smile, she was so proud of getting her brother first. I love the look of revenge Johnathan has behind her! WATCH OUT HANNAH!!!

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